Sunday, December 28, 2014

What If?

Philosophy seems to be taking a toll on me. Last class Professor asked us to take up an interesting exercise. We were asked to list down questions that complete 'What if'. He asked us to let our imagination run wild. I tried my hand and here is my list:
What If
1. I knew the real purpose of life?
2. We all got what we wanted?
3. Money did not matter?
4. Religion was not given so much importance in the world?
5. Nuclear bombs were actually used again?
6. We are not alone in this universe?
7. There was no pain?
8. The was indeed god?
9. I possessed all knowledge?
10. Magic was real?
Mind you this is the order of questions on my mind. Kind of a priority list of the first few things that came up. Lets me know what kind of person I am. And what thoughts dominate my mind. Try it. I am sure it will help you.

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