Thursday, February 10, 2011

Opened my mailbox at work to find a mail saying we need to come up with something whacky or romantic as a part of Tata Tetley's valentine's day celebrations. The quote had to have the words free, tea, mind and better and this is what i came up with.. I dunno if its gonna fetch me anything.. but then i was happy with it;) Here it goes for you now..

Whenever in doubt,close ur eyes and have a cup of tea
it'll make ur mind wander wild and free
and in case that doesnt make u feel any better
open ur eyes darling, u ll be sure to find me;);)
Hugs, Love and Kisses!!


A random 4 liner which i am very fond of..

The old tooth fairy cast her spell,
Promised the caravan of spices and eternal bliss
I treaded the path to find the elusive first kiss
The disappointment now, I just cant tell, I just cant tell..

The Magic mantra

A man is what he is for the choices he has made... and so is a woman:)
CHOICE... its a word with everlasting consequence. a consequence that determines you, and a consequence which actually has been determined by you..(Think about it) It seems logical that given any situation one decides to make the wisest and most pragmatic choice posible. according to the above inference, everyone should be living his/her dream life which is a utopia of sorts, but this seldom happens rather never. I am writing this because i just flung a random question to my good friend Nitin, asking him what the mantra to a happy life is.. and he replied "thers is no mantra.. its only the choices that u make that decides..." Fair enough i thought, but i still am not convinced.

one might have made the most astute decisions all his life but that might not guarantee a happy life..?? would it.. in fact.. i maintain that the ones who might have made the most foolish choices might be leading the most comfortable and happy life..!! it probably is necessary to goof up at times.. or is it..?? i can recall this one little chap called PRINCE who fell into a long ditch and was stranded there for about 48 hours. the decision to wander and play in the dark might seem stupid but its seemingly funny how he became an overnight celebrity for no reason.. so.. fault of his or blessing in disguise. what i want to emphasise here is that decisions whether smart or dumb might or might not guarantee a happy outcome yet they do come with an expiry date.. the results i mean.

remember Neo in The Matrix who was the chosen one. destiny had bestowed him with good fortune and being the maverick who caused the change, yet most of us are not blessed by such good fortune. that is not a deterrant, it seriously is n't because one might not be the chosen one, but one definitely can choose to be the ONE (wow..!! punchline.. rajini style;)). i am not sure where my monologue is heading but it was just an introspection time and its one thing tha i ve learnt. it is of utmost importance to be happy and if you cant be happy, be a reason for others to be happy... you will realise how beautiful life is actually is;);) dedicated to all those who ve brought a smile to my face.. at one time or the other... its payback time folks;);)