Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Rajdhani blues...!!

Have you ever thought of the traits your life partner must possess... I am sure you must have... one wishes that he or she must be smart, good looking, good sense of humour, intellectual, understanding, a good physique et al... is n't it?? Well yes of course.... but did you ever ponder as to how many characteristics do you yourself actually fulfill?? I did think over it... and came up with an introspection that revealed the unfathomed. I barely fulfill any of the above features or do I??
Hmmm... every time I had a train journey I wished that there was some hot female with her cleopatra like looks, charming smile, a demeanour unparalleled, in short 'the miss congeniality' of my life would happen to meet me finally.... although no such thing happened it set me into thinking as to what would the other females think had I happened to be their co-passenger??

Would i be considered handsome enough?? Would i be passed of as a silly little vouyeur?? or would i be thought of as the 'Greek god' of their dreams?? WOW!! that would be awesome!! but unfortunately good things don't happen to good people right?? But it did happen once!! Yes it did!! Let me begin the brief anecdote that at least left a fond memory in my mind if not a full fledged relation as I required...!! (sad).

I had just finished my school and I was supposed to join my college NIT kurukshetra.... I had barely heard of the place except in myths and fables!! ok... so my dad booked a ticket for me in the royal Rajdhani express... it was indeed royal for me as i had never travelled by AC prior to that. The train was supposed to leave Chennai central early in the morning so I left at about five in the morning. My grandma had passed away just at that time so neither my dad nor my mom was with me.. my uncle took me to the station and I felt depressed as I was leaving my family... and travelling alone for the first time! Since I was alone I was more apprehensive than excited.... anyway i took my seat ... it was side lower and found that there was no one yet on the upper berth. I waited patiently until my uncle bid goodbye and left. As I was standing at the door I saw a girl hugging some guy... I was filled with jealousy as usual... you know how guys are..!! She was pretty actually! must be about 23!! I was 17 then!! I let the incident get out of my mind.. only wishing...."mera number kab aayega??" as the train took off i found that the same girl occupied the upper berth.... holy shit!! Now this was goodluck indeed!!

Since AC was on it was kinda chill. I waited for an opportuunity to strike a conversation but it was misfortune that the lady went directly to her upper seat and put on her covers and bedsheets and went to sleep. I cursed my stars... why the heck did n't she sit down for some time... but it was a long journey and nothing to worry. I sat staring out of my window thinkin about my college, my grandma, my family and this mystery girl..!! "Will I be able to strike a conversation?? will she talk to me freely?? gawd!! dont do this to me" I thought...!! then suddenly there was a thud... the lady's mobile phone fell down.. it had that plastic cover on it so nothing actually happened to it. I lifted the mobile and gave to that lady.. and she said "thanks". oh my god!! what a lovely voice...!! If her voice was so sweet how would she be as a whole... as a person i meant!! lol!! anyway... my cerebrum set into thinking and my thoughts ran wild.... already!!

Hmmm.... it was almost an hour after she got down and sat on the lower berth... now I sniffed my chance and asked if her phone was alright!! well this set the ball rolling and we broke into a genuine conversation!!Iit was nice that we gelled well instantly. I remember her name was Rahu Urbashi and she was an air hostess by profession working for Kingfisher airlines. She was going to Delhi to visit her parents and that her work was demanding and required cnstant travel. She lived in chennai for the last six months I suppose but she said that she didn't like chennai though... the autowallahs and shopkeepers especially..!! My friends say bong chicks are supposed to be hot.... i could n't have agreed more.. lol!

What was surprising then was that she had attended a party at some discotheque and had a few tequilla shots ( i had n't even sniffed booze by then.. duh)... so she had been feeling kinda tipsy she claimed... I asked her she could sleep if she wanted to ... and that it was n't an obligation to talk to me but she declined... and I could nt have been happier. I constantly broke into brief bouts of dreams thinking of her and me... and lovely landscape all around when she told that she had a boy friend. Heartbreak.... god!! Anyway now we broke into a serious banter when she told me about her relationship with her boyfriend, it was an interesting story. According to her alleged boyfriend was in love with another girl who was older to her.... but she considered her to be a bitch who was n't supposed to be with him and that they were supposed to have broken off but she constantly called him and cried and nagged over the phone... she used to advise him to keep away from this female but unfortunately he did n't.... she asked for my advice... but what would i say... I was n't in a relationship as of then!! Then it struck me... " See anyway your guy does n't want you , and I dont have anyone... why don't we hook up?? and that age does n't matter in your case .. after all I resemble Ashton Kutcher and you look a bit like Demi Moore... what say??" duh... I wish I could have said that!! we did n't realise how time flew past.. I swear there is no better time pass than listening to others troubled relationship stories....!! it was night by then and I realised that this was the last few hours we were gonna be together... and that too we were moving off to sleep now... shit!! not that I could have changed it anyway... now there was just one final thing to do.. I wanted to give her a final parting hug... just the way she'd given it to her friend at the station.... god please... i did not want to miss this oportunity...!!

It was morning... the train was due to reach at 10.. we got up and spoke about things here and there... New Delhi was nearing and my time left was drawing to an end... how could i ask her for a hug when we leave?? would she mind it?? finally new delhi arrived and i saw my nanaji waiting at the station... even she found her dad.... a well groomed gentleman kind. It was time and I could n't gather any courage to do what I desired.. instead I even forgot to take her phone no. or any other means of contact...!! Sad!! it was a nice little encounter... which never repeated..!! Every time i board a train I look for the people around me in the chart provided outside your coach but god never wants to help..... if not an air hostess... atleast a model would do god... why are you so unfair... lol!! anyway.... I am on the prowl... who is the next one??

Whats interesting is to think what Rahu must have thought of me...!! I am sure she was n't all that desperate as I was but did I impres her.. not really I guess... otherwise she must have asked for my number or something... or may be she considered me to be too small for her... whatever it is I can never figure it out... but lets hope for the best... what say??


iCandy! said...

hey!! i dint know u blog!
roshni here btw:P
i read this just now!!
naiicee!! :)
but is it me or did u already tel me this stry b4?

killeronrampage said...

lol...!! i dont think i told u ppl dis story..!! anyway i assure u that the forementioned anecdote contains nothing but facts!!

Anonymous said...

whattra!!! though i havent read it i am pretty sure its an amazing piece of literary work. hope the world of literature keeps benefiting from ur knowledge and togethet letsss...HAIL THE MIGHTY PEN OF OUR LORD SUMIT THE OVERLORD!!!
my name is ashish...hope u remember

killeronrampage said...

jha... but none can match ur standards man!! u are 'A cut above the rest' lol!!

Avi Ramu said...

din knw u blog.. lucky dog,, kingfisher airhostess eh?? u shud have asked fr hr number man.. !! or atleast her email id..

killeronrampage said...

well... thats de sad part... anyway... leave ur real name when u comment man... cant make out who it is from the alias..!!

abhi said...

nice one but dude u aint aston kutcher and i aint brad pitt

Anonymous said...

abe i dint get ur poison fully..
so, do explain me in the class..